in ~/.i3/config add this to start compton as daemon
exec compton -CGb
and in ~/.config/compton.conf
backend = "glx"
glx-no-stencil = true
#glx-copy-from-front = false
glx-no-rebind-pixmap = true
glx-swap-method = "exchange"
refresh-rate = 0
vsync = "opengl-swc"
dbe = false
paint-on-overlay = true
sw-opti = false
##unredir-if-possible = true
Just curious, but what exactly did this fix?
I'm using i3 and playing around with compton, but AFAICT, it doesn't make much of a difference.
Hi, for me this fixed screen tearing issues.
At first I had A LOT of problems using that config, windows blinking and such. Nevertheless, despite seeing everything terrible, I ran a youtube video on fullscreen and THERE WAS NO SCREEN TEARING, so hey, I saw potential! I started killing the compton process, commenting a line from the config, and running the process again. Finally, commenting [ #glx-swap-method = "exchange" ] I got rid of the screen tearing, AND the desktop flows normally.
Thank you a lot for sharing this!
Glad it helped!
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