Monday, 3 December 2007

LIRC on boot for Soundgraph Imon

  1. Download, build, install LIRC (in config select USB->imon->PAD IR)
  2. Install kdelirc through synaptic
  3. On reboot /dev/lirc becomes /dev/lirc0 (?!)
  4. Create 'lircd' (below) in /etc/init.d/ and :>chmod 755 lircd
  5. Run :>update-rc.d lircd defaults

# lircd
#! /bin/bash

# Create link to lirc0 as lircd looks for /dev/lirc
ln -s /dev/lirc0 /dev/lirc

# Set all able to read and write
chmod 0777 /dev/lirc0

# Start daemon


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